I Came, I Saw, IKEA

For it is now that I truly understand what so many people have gushed about. Ikea is a gift to the northern girl stuck with furniture stores stacked ceiling deep with burgundy and forest green Big-Man recliners. Ikea is the breathe of fresh air that wisks away visuals of floral patterned loveseats with scrolled feet that only a grandma could love. Ikea is good. And now there is a store all of our own here in Michigan.

And I'm quite surprised at myself. I lived in Scandinavia - homeland of clean simple design - and I was blissfully ignorant the whole time. huh.

In addition to my awaking with Ikea, the whole point of this past weekend's trip to the southern half of the state was for a wedding shower. It was for Rick's cousin, Erin whose wedding I will be in next fall. If her shower is any indication of how all showers go, I think everyone should have one whether you are actually getting married or not because the amount of loot that people are willing to wrap for you is astounding.

Need towels? Check! and in every shade you asked for. Dishes? A full set plus the matching casserole dish that you will only ever use once a year (probably for the soupy green beans at Thanksgiving). How about linens?! For the bedroom and for the dining table at that!

I would have to say the although Erin and Mike are starting from scratch, they are well on their way to a nicely furnished household. Good hearts included.

Mike and Erin, originally uploaded by Ambrewskins.


Kerrie Lee said…
I was tempted to visit the IKEA when I first heard it was coming. Now that it's here? Not so much. I did get a peek at the building as we were driving to my sister's wedding last week though. So now I can say, "I've seen IKEA."
Anonymous said…
It was so great to have you here for the shower--we miss you from "down here!" We're glad to say that we helped you lose your virginity to IKEA...let the addiction begin!

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