Where's My Cordless Drill?

The winds are beginning to shift around here. I can tell based solely on the fact that when I went running last night, I didn't have to wear all of that extra fleece and I even had to wear sunglasses. Let the winter melt commence!

A change in season has also made me antsy for a change in fantasmo, so here is where I ask:

Any suggestions?


daphne said…
finally! Blogger would not let me post a comment for so long. I wasn't ignoring my peeps. Yay to spring! Yay!
Amber said…
She's got bunny ears! now where to find them...
Anonymous said…
How about a little more 'face time' for Fergus - spring in the air has got to have him rarin' to have a go at the woods. No underbrush yet - he can pull out all the stops, lots of those hibernating, furry, little creatures coming out for their first stretch needing to be chased to get their blood flowing, good and stinky dead stuff being revealed by the melt-off of snow needs to be investigated and (*groan*) rolled in. And finally, a good brushing to get the burrs out and a soft pillow to lay upon and have Chihuahua dreams of another spring day in the woods.
supine said…
Yeah! Commenting is finally okay! Happy belated birthday and happy almost spring. Props to you for being all good and active-like with the running.

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