Ahhh, to be one and a half...
Me: Ava, how many toes do you have? Want to count them?
Ava: Uh-huh (nodding head yes)
Together: Onnne
Me: Twooo
Ava: Two
Me: Threeee
Ava: Four
Me: Foouur
Ava: Four
Me: Fiiive
Ava: Seven
Me: Siiix
Ava: Seven
Me: Seven
Ava: Nine!
Me: Eeeight
Ava: Nine!
Me: Niiine
Together: TEN!
We get there. Eventually. I can see that we need to work on those middle numbers. But hey, let's cut her some slack, she is only 1 1/2. Harvard can wait a few more years.
Me: Ava, how many toes do you have? Want to count them?
Ava: Uh-huh (nodding head yes)
Together: Onnne
Me: Twooo
Ava: Two
Me: Threeee
Ava: Four
Me: Foouur
Ava: Four
Me: Fiiive
Ava: Seven
Me: Siiix
Ava: Seven
Me: Seven
Ava: Nine!
Me: Eeeight
Ava: Nine!
Me: Niiine
Together: TEN!
We get there. Eventually. I can see that we need to work on those middle numbers. But hey, let's cut her some slack, she is only 1 1/2. Harvard can wait a few more years.
And don't mind the other deleted post - I used the wrong account somehow *snort*
wow shes ganna be a GENIUS! just like me! haha! jk jk but no seriously lol wow well hope to see you soon!
peace out:-*
What was wrong with her counting? Nine doesn't come after six? Damn, that's why I always sucked at math. But seriously? Your child sounds adorable. ~bluepoppy
Love, Linda
Love, Linda